
4年生交流 CWLA

 Chicago World Language Academyと交流学習(第2回目)を行いました。今回は、相手の学校に行き、大縄と日本のお正月遊び(福笑い)をしました。到着するとすぐに大縄が始まりました。前回と比べてCWLAの4年生が上手に大縄をとんでいる姿にびっくりしていました。身ぶり手ぶりで、しっかり教えていました。





Work Hard, Play Hard

  Our fourth graders have been working very hard this week in their usual classes, as well as in their exchange with CWLA.  The students were very outgoing and conscientious with their exchange partners.  Playing games together builds trust and cooperation and encourages direct communication.  We also play games in class to reward the students for their efforts and to improve language skills such as reading, writing, spelling and speaking. (Maria March)




4年生 ついにアーリントンハイツ警察署(AHPD)見学








Where do you live?

  Our 1st and 2nd graders drew pictures of their houses and talked about them with the rest of the class.  Our houses are different shapes, colors, sizes, and styles. One thing that is the same all over the world is how our families make each house a home. (Kim Hubbard)






中学部は、1月12日(木)~13日(金)にウィスコンシン州のAlpine Valley Resortへスキー教室に行ってきました。3年ぶりのスキー教室です。








My New Year's Resolution

      Have you ever had someone ask you: “What’s your New Year’s resolution?” If you have, it’s because this is a very popular tradition here in America and many parts of the world. Every year, in fact, millions of people across our nation, set these goals or resolutions for themselves in hopes the “New Year” will be a better one. You might promise or resolve to exercise more, eat healthier, lose weight, read or travel more, spend less money, or simply live life to the fullest. Some people, of course, will choose not to do anything. Me? I say, where’s the fun in that? We should all strive or work hard to be better versions of ourselves. So, I ask you:  “What’s your new resolution?” 

 Happy New Year!   

Mr. Nelson


Employees of Chicago Futabakai Japanese School’s New Year’s Resolutions:

Mr. Nelson: to focus more on the positive in people and situations

Ms. Patton:  to learn more Japanese

Ms. Eguchi: to listen to Mr. Nelson’s audiobook

Ms. March: to try new things

Mr. Kanazawa: to go with the flow

Mr. Tamura: to improve the quality of life for everyone

Mr. Suganuma: to keep an English diary every day

Mr. Kamakari: to learn more English

Ms. Kishimoto: to focus on my health

Ms. Takase: to maintain my weight

Mr. Wada: to lose weight

Ms. Kumagai: to get to bed before midnight

Ms. Murase: to exercise regularly

Ms. Kitamura: to learn how to tap dance

Ms. Oniyama: to travel more and be nice to everyone

Ms. Takahashi: to exercise every day

Ms. Matsushita: to do everything I want to do in the U.S. 

Mr. Mizutani: to shape up myself

Mr. Kobayashi: to go and see the Grand Canyon

Mr. Fuji: to keep in shape

Mr. Carmelo: to lose weight

Ms. Komatani: to balance work and life

Ms. Ito: to lose 4 pounds

Mr. Carlos: to take care of my mom

Mr. Omar: to control my temper

Ms. Tanabe: to be able to sew and make a lot of clothes

Pictures shown in this week’s homepage edition were taken from Mr. Nelson’s 7th-grade class. The students were doing an activity called “Mad Libs” where you substitute words to create a funny story. This particular “Mad Libs” game was created by Mr. Nelson and is available to all in a PDF document.

Mr. Nelson's Mad Libs - My New Year’s Resolutions.pdf

小学部1・2年 性教育授業


