
We are Futabakko Family!

  In Ms. Eguchi’s English Class, the students in 5th & 6th grades practice daily conversation phrases in everyday life.  But this time, they had an extra-special lesson. They opened their restaurant and had special guests from kindergarten!  They tried hard to communicate with their little customers.  They had a good time together!  (TK)




小学部2年 生活科「まちたんけん」発表



第43回 海外子女文芸作品コンクールの審査結果について



優秀 中1 結城 風歌さん

佳作 中1 リチャーズ シャーロットさん


JFE21世紀財団賞 小6 橋本 侑奈さん

優秀 小1 大石 仁菜さん

優秀 中3 坂田 真倫子さん

佳作 小1 島田 煌大さん

佳作 小6 小島 志保さん (応募時在籍)

佳作 中3 北原 舞さん




Hello, partners!

  Students in junior high school had an online exchange with Addams Junior High School in Schaumburg.  The students in Addams JHS are learning Japanese through the dual language program at their school.  Before this online exchange, they sent their messages to each other in both Japanese and English. Today’s meeting was a great opportunity to actually ‘meet’ online. In a few weeks, we will visit them and learn together.  It will be fun! (Tomohiro Kanazawa)